
Performance Management Trends to Look Forward

Without talented and dedicated people, a business is slightly more than just a great idea. While this seems obvious, companies didn’t always focus on employee performance management to trigger growth and satisfaction as they do right now. To enhance performance management strategies and encourage best practices, most businesses are searching outside their internal teams and bringing in the latest HR Technology.   

Highlighted trends are to be looked forward:

  1. Employee Wellbeing to Become Part of Performance Dialogs: Stress and anxiety are disturbing the workplace and, unfortunately, these matters are a bigger problem than ever. Spotting and addressing mental health issues early on is increasingly important when it comes to keeping employees acting at their best. Forward thinking establishments are waking up to the fact that psychological issues play an important role in terms of performance and productivity and the issues of wellbeing and employee performance goes together.
    Regular manager and employee coaching conversations ensures that potential mental health and workplace stress issues are spotted and addressed early on.
  1. Digital Workforce: With digitalization, workplace is set to improve the way that we keep our workstreams on track. The digital workplace is different, because it’s interactive and target-driven, and things are recordable. It also maintains employees’ focus by providing the means to monitor their own performance.
  1. Feedback Needs to Be Supported by Regular Coaching Conversations: The performance management opinions have focused heavily on the importance of frequent, real-time feedback. However, the extent of feedback is not a silver bullet that will magically produce a labour force of engaged and productive employees. If companies want to achieve genuine performance gains, frequent feeback needs to be accompanied by regular coaching discussions, during which the manager and employee step back and contemplate on the feedback that has been given, using it to identify strengths and focus on areas for development.
  1. Performance Management will become “Meaningful” and “Human”: One of the major crit­i­cisms of per­for­mance appraisals or per­for­mance reviews is that they are con­trived and not authen­tic. Setting a culture of regular, authentic performance conversations is easier said than done. Successful organizations ensure:
    • Trainings to prepare managers for having honest conversations
    • A clear frame­work for hav­ing con­ver­sa­tions with suggest­ed coach­ing ques­tions and prompts
    • Create accountability and led by example from the top of the organisation
  1. Performance Management Will Concentrate on How to Make Employees and Managers More Productive: According to Gallup, the greatest factor in terms of employee engagement is an employee’s manager. With this in mind, performance management and its technology will need to focus more on encouraging and entrusting people managers to be more competent and enabling employees to deliver their best selves to work. This, combined with wellbeing initiatives, will play a vital role in boosting employee productivity.
  1. Artificial Intelligence (AI) will Arrive in Performance Management: For organ­i­sa­tions who have made the move to con­tin­u­ous con­ver­sa­tions and feed­back, can start to use AIto draw out themes from large amounts of qual­i­ta­tive data being gath­ered from feed­back, goals and con­ver­sa­tions. We can then go a step ahead and use soft­ware to coach employ­ees and man­agers in real-time based on the feed­back received, and per­haps pre­dict future high per­form­ers as per the pat­terns & the con­tent of feed­back that is request­ed and received, and goals being set and accomplished.

All of these trends are currently at their early stages of development, but we will start to see them come to execution during 2019, and the potential is truly exciting.

Clear reviews can help you build stronger and more engaged teams, better managers and more productive individuals.

Turacoz Workforce Solutions being a staffing company offering medical staffing solutions, understands the value of employees for an organization and believes that employee engagement and employee satisfaction are very crucial factors. An efficient performance management system can help in keeping the morale of the employees, high.

Turaocz workforce solutions offers temporary and permanent hiring services to companies in Canada and US. To know more about us and our services, write to us at

By Smita Soni

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