The core concept of patient-centric communication is to understand the patient’s perspective considering his/her psychosocial and cultural manifestations. These communications make the patients’ voices to be heard and influence the medicine practices and guidelines.

A well-written patient communication can improve the patient understanding for a disease area or treatment and helps him/her to better recall the information, enhance patient satisfaction, have a better treatment adherence, and ultimately improved patient outcomes.

Our Experience


Patient Information Booklets




Slide Decks


Health Blogs

Plain Language Summaries of Publications

Plain language summary (PLS) is a more comprehensive writing which is published as supplementary material and is peer reviewed in the same way as the original article. It can be as simple as a lay abstract to plain language summaries of publications (PLSPs).

These are peer-reviewed
articles for journals which
have DOI of its own.

This can be published in a separate
journal also and acts as a short visually enriched article that summarizes the primary publication.

Patient Education

Patients frequently use Google to know more about their disease, treatment, diagnostics options available as well as side effects. Patient education material should be easy to comprehend, convey the right message, and be visually appealing to entice people to read it.

This content also includes instruction manuals, user guides, and product monographs (Patient section) to convey the complete message.

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